
Misleading sensation of Nepal variant - demand information from Nepal with UK

Misleading sensation of Nepal variant - demand information from Nepal with UK

Kathmandu. While many variants of coronavirus are being widely discussed in the current corona epidemic, the Nepal variant has also come to the fore. Scientists estimate that more than a thousand variants of the Covid-19, which started in Wuhan, China, have been developed so far.

Although the Nepal variant is mentioned, the report does not mention any subject of the investigation report. Instead, it is said that the second wave has started in Nepal due to the new variant seen in India. Due to the new variant that entered Nepal from India, Nepal variant also became a mutant and entered Europe without any fact, Daily Mail has published the news. At a time when the Corona epidemic is frightening the world, spreading such news without any factual authority has only created terror in the minds of the people. The British tabloid Daily Mail, which publishes many sensational news, has written in the news that it has been mentioned that the corona virus of Nepali variant may endanger the leave of the British.

The Nepali Mutant Strain, published in the cover story with high priority, said that even the vaccine could resist the vaccine. They fear that the Nepali mutant strain may even be resistant to the vaccine. ' But the British official said that even if there is a Nepali variant, there is no need to worry much, the newspaper writes, "There are thousands of variants." The virus is constantly changing. '

The government of Nepal has demanded information from the British government after a British magazine published sensational news about the Nepal variant which was not known to Nepal. Dr. Krishna Poudel, Spokesperson of the Ministry of Health and Population, Government of Nepal, revealed that he had sent an email to the International Health Regulation on Thursday morning to inform the British Government about the discovery of a new variant in Nepal.

The World Health Organization has also stated that no new variant of SARS-Cove-2 has been found in Nepal. The UK has also said that a Delta variant has been found among those returning from Nepal so far, but has not given official information about the new variant, said Dr Poudel. Dr. Poudel also said that regular study is being done on which variant is spread in Nepal. But even though we are not aware of the new variant, Dr. Poudel is insisting.

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