
Corrupt person Don't put flowers on the statue of the National hero Shankhadhar



Today is the time of the festival. This festival is also called the second biggest festival of Nepalese, Diwali. This festive festival has a special significance for the indigenous Newa community of Nepal's historical Swanigah (Nepal Mandal). The festival is called Swanti Nakha in Nepal. Paru's day is a special festival in which the New Year begins. Happy New Year 1141!

Shankhadhar Sakhwa, the initiator of the Nepal Sambat, and the present Bahunwadi regime, the evil deeds that are eroding this Sambat and Nepali culture, and the Newa: 'leaders' and stigmatized tribal engineers who have deliberately become a weapon of the Bahunwadi regime and are trying to fulfill their petty interests. I expect a wide-ranging debate here in my writing.

Nepal Sambat

It is based on the lunar month like any other year in the world. It falls on the 15th of Sambat and exactly on the 30th of Purni. This Sambat is related to nature. It is a year of teaching and learning in the calendar of this Sambat. This Sambat is not only related to any particular caste, religion, language, culture. This year is the year of national unity. This Sambat is a fundamental Sambat that reflects Nepal's climate, people's life and Nepalese's.

It is not related to any king, maharaja and feudal system. It is related to the liberation struggle established in the historical period by freeing the people from debt. In many countries in East Asia, including China, Singapore, Thailand, our Gurung, Magar, Tamang, Rai, Sherpa are holding Tibetan festivals based on animal and bird years, and internationally. On this basis, nothing in life has been disputed and fragmented.

Nepal Sanbat and Shankhadhar Sakhwa:

Shankhadhar was a liberating leader of the Nepali people. He is one of the greatest human beings of the time, above any thinkers who have redeemed the debt of the state.

If he wanted, he could have run the Sambat in his own name at that time. He could have become a bigger exploiter by investing his money in other areas.

He could have become more feudal by getting a higher position in the state, but he did nothing but take great interest in spending his personal wealth to free the people from the debt of the king and the state.

What he did at that time was Buddha, the peace seeker, Marx, the revolution seeker, Akbar and Jesus, the religion seeker, Charles Babbage and Wright Brothers, the computer and airplane inventors, Graham Bell and Lady Ada, the inventor of phones and software, Alan Turing and drones. We should all respect the contribution of the inventor Abraham Karem and other high class human beings who invented physics by establishing a very scientific year like Nepal Sambat.

Bahunwadi state and Nepali culture

Before the so-called unification of Nepal Prithvinarayan Shah, historical monuments were built and preserved at their own pace and pace like other countries in the world.

All the heritages that exist now are built in the same period of history.

Between the 13th and 18th centuries, we were no less than any other nation in Europe. The invaluable time of human development over the last 250 years has been significant from every angle. Here in the last 250 years, we have not been a step towards prosperity and continuous development. The state has been thinking about how to impose a single ethnicity, a single language, a single culture on other castes, languages ​​and cultures.

The unification of almost all the countries in the world had moved from the capital to the villages, but with the exception of Nepal, the poor culture of the unification villages dominated the rich culture of the capital. Again, fearing that there will be a state war, the Nepal Sanvat and the culture, language, religion and art which are closely related to this Sambat have continued to spread confusion, contempt, spoil and tarnish.

Many governments have changed in Nepal. However, the essence of the state has not changed. The most complicated issue during the 10-year people's war is caste, language, religion, culture and the issue of Madhesi and women. But even though the power to raise issues has come to power time and time again, instead of resolving these issues in a dignified manner, they have not only abandoned the issues but also mobilized the people by protesting yesterday. Now, whatever name the openly ruling party CPN (CPN) Opposition Party Nepali Congress gives, the Bahunwadis are making a final attack on our culture. For the past 11 years, Paru and Dwitiya have been fighting, some of our charms have disappeared, the Sambat established in the name of Nepal has been called the Sambat of the Newars, and our land has been usurped in the name of development. But we, the Adivasis, are becoming a big part of their conspiracy without understanding the nature of all these deceptions, oppressions and hepatic tendencies. Some people are being deceived by these traitors and genocidal people even though they understand it.



The government, which has been deliberately suppressing the language, religion, art and culture of the Advises for the last 250 years, has been growing very fast for the last few years. But our restoration and resistance movement is gradually weakening. The main reason for this is that the leaders and agents of the government who have infiltrated our movement are killing the leadership of the movement.

What's even more amazing is that some of the wolves talked about ethnic liberation, some of the foxes wore our costumes and called us Bhintuna, Tasidelek or Lhaso Fyafulla. In the current situation where the Bahunwadi regime is succeeding in establishing itself from the community of Adivasi Janajati, the movement for equality of caste, language and culture has reached an even more difficult and critical stage.

In the face of all these adversities, the Adivasi tribes must first identify the puppets and puppets of power, spread awareness that our equality movement cannot move forward from the corrupt and puppets, spread awareness about the positive aspects of Nepal Sambat and this Sambat. The work of boycotting the hospitality of the chiefs should start from today. In this context, on the occasion of New Year, most of the people of Swanigha have resorted to the custom of inviting the head of state as the chief guest to lay wreaths at the statues of Shankhadhar Sakhwa. Which is going very wrong because the main people of the power that is invading our language, religion, culture, our land, the original people of Nepal, are our chief guests? Is this something to be found somewhere? Is it appropriate? And we are unlucky to have those people as guests? Is this how we regain our lost self-esteem? No, this is a mistake we can't make. This error must be corrected immediately.

If Nepal is to move further towards prosperity, it should not be slow to fight for federalism with a re-identity. But the struggle to bring that federalism should be led not only by the Brahmins of some party or Bahunwadi thinking but also by the Bahunwadis within the Janajati. Even though such a debate has been going on for a long time, it has not been able to take concrete form so that this New Year 1141 can take a definite shape.

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