
A Mars Dream



A Mars Dream

Mars Science City is just a single part of the eager space program run by Dubai's Mohammed Bin Rashid Space Center. A year ago it sent its first space explorer into space; this late spring it will dispatch a test to Mars, and in November it will embrace its first-since forever analog mission.

The eight-month adventure will occur in Russia and one Emirate crewmember will be picked as part of a global group of six. The mission will test the impacts of detachment and control on mental and physical wellbeing.

Different places on Earth used to imitate conditions for space missions incorporate Antarctica's Concordia Station, used to recreate detachment, California's Mojave Desert, which NASA has used to test Mars meanderers, and the Moroccan Sahara, utilized by the European Space Agency as a Mars analog.

The MBRSC trusts that, in future, such exploration could occur in Mars Science City.

"This will be our foundation where we can build up the science [and] the innovation that will help us in our future missions to Mars," said Adnan AlRais, Mars 2117 Program Manager at MBRSC. "We need to concoct an absolutely new office that will support the worldwide network."

To arrive at its objective of colonization in under a century, the MBRSC recognizes excitement for space travel should go down numerous ages. It trusts Mars Science City will move the cutting edge to dream of life on the Red Planet enough to make it a reality.

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