
Nepal Sambat belongs to the Newar



Nepal Sambat belongs to the Newar

New Year comes every year, with the same enthusiasm, enthusiasm and the power to show by doing something new. The New Year is also a message to make the country where you were born as beautiful and developed as possible, even if you cannot pay the debt of everyone in the country. In Nepal, it comes in a more special way.

There are various fundamental things in Nepal. When we didn't have to ask for anything from the world, everything we said was original - speaking, eating, wearing, decorating, playing, singing, dancing were all ours. In such an age, there was no reason why Nepal should not be full of selfishness. Everything else was ours, just as it was ours. The people here were fascinated and proud of this Sambat. Because it was theirs, part of their daily life, religion, culture and business, Nepali. Not only for hundreds of years but for thousands of years has it been ours in its own way. Nepal has no choice.

Later, people came here from outside to take the power in their hands and play with the immense wealth, financial resources and means like playing Holi. They found other work, but they did not like it. And as one Rana Prime Minister brought Sauta, an edict was issued to leave Nepal's Nepal Sambat and make Bikram Sambat established in a foreign country a government function, which is only about 100 years old. This was not surprising because for them Nepal Sambat was not theirs and Vikram Sambat of India was not theirs. Only the climate, the originality of the people, the religious, cultural and economic lifestyle of all the people stuck to the Sambat. Power is like that - like it, like it, don't like it. Thus, due to the dislike of the government, the use of Nepal Sambat, which has been an integral part of Nepal's politics, society and economy for a thousand years, has been slowing down on this Nepali land.

Nepal Sambat belongs to the Newar


In such a situation, the indigenous Newar here rallied with the call to bring back the original monarchy of their country 40 years ago. And on the occasion of the New Year, they started a campaign to share greetings without any discrimination between enemies, friends and relatives.

It was not only a show of enthusiasm and an exchange of good wishes, but at the same time it took the form of a movement - to re-accept this original monarchy established in the name of the country and use it as the national monarchy of Nepal. This voice of the people did not stop even in the autocratic Panchayat situation where one caste was in control of one language. Sticks were rained on the natives who came to distribute good wishes.

On this occasion, the Bhintuna movement used to be a ladder to oppose the system for the leaders of various banned parties who could not even go to the people at other times. At other times, even those who were invisible to the people and leaders who did not give them linguistic and ethnic rights would come out in droves and say, "Nepal must be recognized as a national monarchy, the government must recognize it" (we have seen many of them in flagged vehicles). The law of that time called the demand to call one's own monarchy as communal, but even now those in power have not stopped saying so.

Now the time is different, the law has changed. Not only is there no ban on the party now, but now the king, once considered a symbol of unity, the incarnation of Vishnu, is no more, the country has become a republic. There is an arrangement to accept diversity as unity. "Hundreds of flowers" has been made the definition of a country. But in reality, only the law has changed, they are still the ones who are still in power in the state. In the meantime, more than two dozen prime ministers returned, and people guided by socialism, communism, and Maoism all came to power in turn. But their attitude towards Nepal Sambat has not changed.

It may be rare in the world for people to come to the streets in a peaceful manner with the same slogan for almost four decades. They had no interest in it, no benefit. If so, what was made in Nepal was just a request, full of national sentiment. Not only hundreds but thousands of articles were written on this subject, studies were done, books were published, songs were sung, dances were performed, institutions were formed, what was not done? But those who came to power did not see this Sambat as Nepali, did not consider it national.

Nepal Sambat belongs to the Newar

Nepal Sambat
is as Nepalese as Nepal's Pashupati temple is Nepalese. They made it, they worshiped it, the heritage of their faith. But did anyone who came to power till today and rejoiced in the income of that temple call Pashupati "the temple of the Newar"? That is not to say. Going to the chariot procession of Kumari, who was supposed to go as the former king and now as the president, to see Machindranath's bhoto, and the temples on the day of Maha Ashtami called the temples of Bhadrakali, Sankata, Raktakali and Navdurga "Journey of Newar, Temple"? Did not say When the throne they ruled (formerly physical, and now symbolic) belongs to the Newar, there is no reason why Nepal should not belong to the Newar only, since even the breath they breathe belongs to the Newar

Now the question arises whether the wealth earned by trading with all those temples, palaces and votes should be called Nepal's or not? If all this belongs to Nepal, why can't Sambat alone belong to Nepal? If Sambat belongs only to Newar, then why Pashupati's property, the processions and temples that the President has to go to, Nepali? Similarly, if everything else is "national" then why only Newar?

The community that came to power (see the names and surnames of those who became prime minister from Bhimsenthapa) and the civilization of the Newar are at odds. What they need is power, not civilization. Therefore, the hand of the community trembles to use the Nepal Sambat as government in Nepal. Straightforwardly or indirectly, they call this New Year "New Year of the Newar", while speaking in Khas language, they can't utter a nod, they blow their noses when they can say "Nhudanya Bhintuna", as if that wish is only needed by the Newar, they have given us Newar some merit or Our debt has been repaid. So once Dr. Baburam Bhattarai spoke in Nepali on the occasion of Nepal New Year.

The callers are reluctant to invite the Prime Minister to the New Year celebrations in Basantapur. There, they visit the city every year with 50,000 local people, receive good wishes, and weigh their belongings. Sambat is confined to the pages of their non-existent history.

It is as clear as the sun what the government has done for Nepal Sambat in the last 40 years. It always seems to be so important, but no prime minister's government has agreed to use the Nepal Sambat, which has been used by the people for thousands of years, even today in India.

Therefore, when they give good wishes according to the season, they wish some for Dashain, some for Diwali, some for Chhath and some for "Nhudanya". For them, Nepal Sambat is no different than Lhosar of Sherpas, Sakela of Kirats, Dashain of Bahunchhetri or Maghi of Tharu, just a community festival. Now there is no need for any Prime Minister, Minister and leaders and the media to be upset that the Nepal Sambat is called the Sambat of the Newar or that the Newar have not accepted it by the state.

Even now, at least for now, the engineers working to make Nepal Sambat a national Sambat have come to realize that as long as the existing system of a community remains in this country, Nepal Sambat cannot be Nepal's national Sambat again. After realizing this, why don't we say that in this country, which is full of Newar civilization, all the religions, cultures, traditions, tangible and intangible heritage, festivals and life philosophy belong to the Newar only? Let us tell the foreign guests who come here every year that the beautiful ancient heritage of Kathmandu belongs only to all Newar. That means Pashupati, Swayambhu, Hanuman Dhoka, Krishna Temple, Panchatale Temple, Rato Machhindranath, Dolakha Bhimsen are all Newar. And Narayanhiti, Shital Niwas also belongs to Newar, Singha Durbar also belongs to Newar. There is no one left to claim that this is ours. Let's see how the so-called Newar of Nepal breathe in the air of the Newar.

Until now, even after shouting for 40 years, the Nepal Sambat has not been made the national Sambat of Nepal, the government has not been able to make it a functioning Sambat and the government has seen Vikram Sambat, which has no history, being crushed. Those who are accustomed to slapping today's ruling community in the present day, saying that they have given their all to the Newar by writing two letters as Nepal Sambat in Gorkhapatra, nowadays this New Year's movement should be presented in a different way.

At least now the Newar should call this Sambat the Sambat of the Newar, the history written in the Nepal Sambat should be called the history of the Newar. The heritage created by the Newar should be called Newar heritage. The kings who used Nepal Sambat should be called Newar kings and the history while Nepal Sambat was being used should be called the history of Newar.

The Newar are a caste or nation of Nepal, even of the world, which had to be discussed in the world in the name of their country. Just as the Chinese have their own New Year, so do the Newar. On behalf of the Newar, best wishes will be extended to the Prime Minister on the occasion of Nepal Sambat. Maybe doing so reminds them, even for a moment, that we are not Nepalis, we are immigrants.

The battle of identity has started all over the world, even those who do not have their own are making others their own. In such a situation, those who have come to sit on the throne of a prosperous and cultured country like Nepal and full of diversity of various indigenous tribes by making cunning and hypocrisy their culture have to realize once and for all that the monarchy in the name of their country is 1100 years old. That is the pride of all the countrymen. Even those who have nothing of their own have to say that they have their own relationship with someone else. If the Nepal Sambat movement can be taken forward in a new way with this new strategy, the movement for political rights of the Newar will be considered to have taken a step forward.

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