
Onions are very beneficial for health in summer, this is how to take care of health


Onions are very beneficial for health in summer, this is how to take care of health


You can cook onions and eat them raw. It also enhances your health and beauty. Onions are used in almost every dish in Indian kitchens. It can usually be eaten raw in salads. Onions are a good source of iron, anti-oxidants and vitamins.

It is rich in vitamins C and B including folate. Onion intake makes you cool in summer. It works to strengthen your immunity. In addition, there are many benefits of onions. You can take help in dealing with many troubles occurring during the summer days.

Onion is not less than any nectar during summer. You can avoid the heat of heat by adding onions to your food every day and keeping a small onion with you when you go out. This will protect you from sunstroke.

Use of onion is beneficial in heat stroke or in other problems caused by heat. Grind the onion coarsely and pour it into the water and put feet in this water and sit down. This will increase the heat and heat. Rubbing it on the palms of the hand will also be beneficial.

Body stays cool

In summer, we should include such foods in our diet, which can keep you cool naturally. Correct hydration and a healthy diet can help you deal with heat naturally. Some fruits and vegetables have properties that help you to run the body smoothly. The onion is one of them.

Onion intake during summer is increased because it has cooling properties. It contains a kind of oil, which helps in balancing the body temperature. In summer, raw onions are consumed as a salad. You can add some lemon to the raw onion and increase its taste and vitamin-C content.

Prevents heatstroke

In summer, hot winds are often accompanied by rising temperatures, which cause many diseases. Onions help reduce your fever, including dehydration. If you go out somewhere during the summer time, keep one onion with you, it will reduce the heat. If there is heatstroke, remove the onion juice and massage it on the soles of feet and hands. Fever will also come down.

Loose relieves motion

Indigestion and diarrhea are a common problem during summer. If you are having diarrhea due to heat and heat, then grind the onion and celery together and extract its juice and drink a little black salt mixed in it.

Cools the head too

The rising temperature in summer causes perspiration in the hair, due to which the problem of itching increases. Apart from this, the head is also very hot in summer. A good home remedy to tackle these two problems together is onion juice. Add a few drops of lemon juice to the onion juice and apply it to the hair. This will also give strength to your hair and they will also look shiny. However, you will have to wait for a few weeks for this result.

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