
The most costly tea leaf on the planet, the cost of 1 kg is 150 million



The most costly tea leaf on the planet, the cost of 1 kg is 150 million

KATHMANDU: It is safe to say that you are a tea expert? Assuming this is the case, you might need to think about the most costly tea on the planet. Do you realize what is the most costly tea on the planet, and the amount it costs? Indeed, the cost of the tea leaves might be past our creative mind.

The name of the most costly tea on the planet is Dr. Hong Pao. The cost of this tea leaves is around Rs 150 million for each kg. This tea is filled in the Wuxin space of ​​Fujian Province, China.

It is said that this tea is so costly in light of the fact that it is extremely gainful for wellbeing. Additionally, this tea leaf is considered uncommon. The cost of this tea is high as it is troublesome and work serious to develop and the creation is additionally low.

Dr. Taking a gander at the historical backdrop of Hong Pao tea, it is accepted that tea development began in China during the Ming Dynasty. Around then, the Ming sovereign unexpectedly became sick. As her wellbeing weakened, her odds of endurance were decreasing. Since he had quit taking any medication.

He was then exhorted by state doctors to drink Dr. Hong Pao tea. Shockingly, he recuperated inside a couple of long periods of drinking the tea consistently. When the sovereign recuperated, the lord gave a request to develop the tea. It is said that the name of this tea leaf is gotten from the name of a similar lord. – Agency

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