
Education Minister's order to take textbooks printed without a map of Limpiyadhura


Education Minister's order to take textbooks printed without a map of Limpiyadhura


KATHMANDU: Minister for Education, Science and Technology Krishna Gopal Shrestha has directed to seize the book sold in the wake of printing the old map. Minister Shrestha gave the guidance in the wake of getting data that some private publishers had sold the book by printing an old map of Nepal referencing the new release.

At the 88th gathering of the Curriculum Development and Evaluation Council hung on Wednesday, Minister Shrestha directed the Curriculum Development Center to make a greatest move by bringing book publishers and merchants under the domain of law. He directed the Curriculum Development Center to quickly look for explanation from the publishers and merchants of books selling books by deceiving the public authority by referencing the old maps, seizing the books sold in the old maps and defying the orders of the service.

Subsequent to getting data that the distributer and the dealer had changed the front of the old book and sold the book, Minister Shrestha directed to bring it under the extent of action. "You should screen it. On the off chance that it is tracked down that the book was sold by referencing an old map that could excite the nation, make a quick move by the police organization," was the guidance of Minister Shrestha.

Secretary at the Ministry Ram Prasad Thapaliya educated that exacting action would be taken against those selling new books with old maps. He said, "We will promptly screen the matter and make a move against the failing publishers and merchants." He said it was a "genuine misstep" to make reference to the old map after the public authority had given another one.

As indicated by the Curriculum Development Center, the greater part of the merchants have referenced the old map of Nepal. Chief General of the Center, Ana Prasad Neupane, educated that action would be taken against the publishers and merchants who sold books by printing old maps. He said, "We have gotten data that the book was printed with an old map. We have requested some from the publishers for explanation and made a move against them."

It has been tracked down that the greater part of the book publishers and dealers have printed maps in books including social investigations and GK. Minister Shrestha directed to bring the book brokers who distribute books without the official maps under the ambit of quick action. In the gathering, Minister Shrestha likewise directed to give endorsement for the printing of books of the recorded publishers to forestall the lack of class 6 books. The gathering has supported the educational plan of class 6-8 in different subjects.


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