
Experts say wearing sweat-soaked masks doesn't help


Experts say wearing sweat-soaked masks doesn't help

KATHMANDU: The masks should not be worn when saturated with sweat according to health experts.

The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that when engaged in physically strenuous activities such as exercise, people should not wear masks at all, which can cause a lot of sweating because sweat-soaked masks make it difficult to breathe and encourage microorganism production.

Dr. Sameer Mani Dixit, Research Director at the Center for Molecular Dynamics Nepal, holds this view, suggesting that people bring two masks with them as they go about their day.

"People should always bring an extra mask so that if the mask they wear gets wet, they can adjust it," he said, quoted The Rising Nepal.

However, expert's stress that masks should be an additional precautionary measure to social distancing and not a replacement.

In addition, WHO, as well as Dr. Dixit, say surgical masks can not be reused and have to be discarded when humid. "Certain reusable masks can also be worn in detergent water only after washing," Dixit said, citing TRN.

There's no need to be as careful about clothes, though as doctors around the world usually accept that transmission of coronavirus through clothing products is impossible, except for a few cases where people are in direct close contact with an infected person.

According to Health line's interviews and studies, an American research website curated by a team of physicians, pharmacists, clinical teachers, psychiatrists, nutritionists and specialists in healthcare technology, temperature and humidity plays a major environmental role in whether a virus will survive and whether the quality of certain clothing products is not conducive to this. But regular laundry would be a good idea.


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