
Here's how romantic partners impact each other's objectives


Here's how romantic partners impact each other's objectives

Romantic partners affect each other's aspirations over the long term — that is, if one partner in a two-person partnership wants to stop or accomplish, according to a new report, so does the other partner too.

As researchers from the University of Basel report in a study of more than 450 couples, these effects can be observed regardless of gender, age, and duration of the connection.

ANI indicated that the research team from the Faculty of Psychology at the University of Basel decided to explore the short- and long-term interdependence of approach objectives and goals for avoidance between couples.

The participants indicated whether they were trying to prevent disagreements or exchanging positive interactions with their partner that day.

This was accompanied by an overview of how the details had influenced the partner's objectives. Each person's goals were reported daily over two 14-day measurement periods at a 10- to 12-month interval; 456 male-female couples participated.

The participants' average age was just under 34 years, and the average length of partnership was nearly 10 years. The thesis appeared in The Journal of Gerontology, the latest issue.


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