
The strangest place where boys take away girls by feeding them Paan


The strangest place where boys take away girls by feeding them Paan

Every state, religion and society has many traditions related to marriage. Not only in India, but also abroad, there are many strange-poor rituals associated with marriage which people still perform today. On the other hand, the method of marriage which is still in vogue in the tribal areas located in Harda district of Madhya Pradesh, India, is hardly heard about.

Young men and women living in the tribal areas of Harda perform their wedding rituals in a unique wa

y. Every year a week after Diwali, a unique fair is held in the village of 'Morgarhi' located in the tribal area, about 70 km away from the district headquarters. This includes a large number of tribal young men and women.

In this fair called Thathiya Bazaar, young men and women choose their spouses. For this, young men and women feed each other Paan. Yes, there is a tradition here under which people feed Paan after choosing the partner of their choice. This tradition has been going on for years in Morgarhi village.

After walking around the fair all day, young men and women choose their life partner by feeding each other Paan. Marriage is also announced only after feeding betel leaves. The two then go to their house and the marriage information is conveyed to the girl's family so that the family does not search for the boy for the girl.


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