
Manohara River turning out to be safe-haven for extraordinary birds


Manohara River turning out to be safe-haven for extraordinary birds


BHAKTAPUR: Just 12 kilometers from Kathmandu lies a lesser-known safe house for bird watching. An assortment of outlandish birds running in and around the Manohara River close to Bode, Bhaktapur is an ideal spot to notice transitory and water birds.

Exactly 200 species of birds were seen in the Manohara River wetland area arranged in Madhyapur Thimi Municipality this colder time of year. The jeopardized striated grassbird (Narkat Ghasechari) was as of late recorded without precedent for the area. A group of the travel industry laborers, ornithologists, eyewitnesses and natural life picture takers Sanjay Tha Shrestha, Gopi Shrestha, Sugam Tamrakar and Samyam Rumba have made a significant record of the bird in the area on November 19, 2020, snapping a picture of a jeopardized striated grassbird, which was discovered distinctly in the marshes of the Terai. Up until now, this species has been recorded up to 250 meters over the ocean level, yet it has not been recorded over that height up until now, said Shrestha, who is also a natural life picture taker and the travel industry business person.

Shrestha asserted his group recorded this species of bird at Kamalpokhari wetland in Bode, close to Manohara River, with photographic proof.

The species was first tested in Nepal in 1938 on the banks of Koshi River. It was periodically found in certain spots until 1953, yet then it was not seen until 1982 when it was recorded by senior British ornithologists Tim and Carol Inskipp in Shuklaphanta National Park, as per Shrestha.

The species is usually seen in Koshi Tappu Wildlife Reserve and Koshi Barrage Area, also located in Chitwan National Park, Jagadishpur water repository and Rapti River in Makawanpur locale.

Madhyapur Thimi Municipality, which isn't just renowned for sanctuaries, legacy locales and archaic exploration, has also gotten a go-to objective for birdwatching.

City hall leader of the Municipality Madan Sundar Shrestha said that the Manohara span has now gotten truly reasonable for bird watching and taking photos during the COVID-19 pandemic. As indicated by Mayor Shrestha, relaxation bird watchers and untamed life picture takers, who lost their positions during the worldwide scourge and lockdown period, have discovered the area a reasonable spot for birdwatching.

The municipality had begun plotting the Manohara area yet they are intending to leave more than 200 hectares of land for birds, he said. The municipality has been attempting to remake legacy locales and sanctuaries in the area, the vast majority of which were obliterated by the April 2015 seismic tremor.

"Keeping the wetlands and legacy destinations alive has been our principle center since we began our obligation. We are also attempting to make the Manohara wetland a place of interest and an appropriate spot for bird-sweethearts and specialists," Mayor Shrestha said.

As indicated by Tha Shrestha, who is also an occupant of the area, jeopardized bristly tern (Thimaha Falfyale) was also seen in the area this colder time of year. Because of this, this year, in a steady progression, there has been an exceptional record of transitory and winter transient species of birds.

A sum of 886 species of birds have been authoritatively recorded in Nepal up until now. Be that as it may, as indicated by senior ornithologist Dr. Fix Sagar Baral, the nation has 888 bird species. Among them, 168 species are in the 'broadly undermined' status while 42 are in the "compromised" status universally.

Himalayan Monal, Cheer Pheasant, Satyr Tragopan, Bengal Florican, Lesser Florican, Great Hornbill, Sarus Crane, Black Stork and White Stork are among the secured birds of Nepal.

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