
People forced to accept painful death



People forced to accept painful death

- Dr. Aruna Upreti


If the Prime Minister of the country were right, the current situation where the Nepali people would have to die like a fly would not have come

‘Lamhaen ne khata ki thi, centuries have punished’

(Someone was punished for thousands of years for a few seconds.) - I remember these words. The words are in Hindi, but seeing the hardships, sorrows, mental stress and tears of today's Nepal, it seems to have been pointed out to us. Political leaders like or speak for a second and thousands of Nepalis suffer for a long time.

After the deaths of more than 5,000 people from corona and coronary complications, Oli Bala has come to know - "I am nothing but corona, Nepalis have a lot of strength to fight the disease, so it is wrong not to touch the corona."

Ignoring what the public health expert said, the cries of 'Corona is nothing' in Nepali society have probably not touched the leaders yet. More than 5,000 deaths have been reported from hospitals. The statistics of people who have died due to complications due to corona at home without coming to the hospital, without hospital, without money, without road will never come before us. After blindfolding the horse, he just walks straight, can't see anything around him, so the Prime Minister just kept saying 'eat turmeric, eat turmeric'. He did not want to hear from the public health specialist what the patient needed after the corona infection and complications.

After the first wave of Corona became somewhat comfortable, PM Oli thought, 'Now we have won'. And he set out to please God. He offered gold worth Rs. 51 crore to Pashupati. Perhaps he thought that God would liberate the Nepali people from Corona. The PM pushed science away, not listening to experts. Instead, they started welcoming Ramlila. He kept on giving the message that 'everything is fine' even when Nepalis were moving from one hospital to another due to lack of oxygen. He has not been able to hear the news of the death of Tarai Dalits at home as they could not go to the hospital due to complications of Corona. In the far west and Karnali, she has not even read the news of pregnant women dying at home due to corona. So he thinks, experts and mass media say exaggeration. So he says, 'Listen to me, I know everything.'

He is angry with the journalist who gives the right news, he boycotts the expert who speaks the truth. Why is he tempted to become a coroner himself? During his tenure, the foundation stone was laid for the opening of 396 hospitals at a time, and billions of rupees have been set aside for it. However, no one would dare to tell him that the well, which was worshiped by laying the foundation stone of the hospital, is now full of garbage and water.

Of course, not everyone with coronary heart disease could be saved. However, the Nepali people would not have to die like a fly. Death would not have been so cheap and painful, the tears of the poor Nepali people would not have melted the world, the story of the worthless death of the Nepali people should not have been written in the world's mass media.

What expert might have told Oli that the Nepali people have a lot of immunity? Which medical college teaches such knowledge? We did not know this. Nepal's public health experts understand that ‘Nepali women suffer from malnutrition and anemia, so they die during childbirth. Children are stunted by malnutrition, malnutrition has weakened their ability to fight disease. So they suffer from pneumonia, shortness of breath and diarrhea, no matter how many die. The number of people dying from tuberculosis in Nepal is very high. The main reason for which is malnutrition and low immunity. There is a shortage of blood in Nepal due to malaria, many die without getting malaria medicine. 'These are the scientific facts. These facts and figures are also extracted by the public health experts of the Ministry of Health, but Oli cannot or does not want to pay attention to such scientific facts and quips, "No, Nepalis do not get infected with corona, because Nepalis have the power to fight disease."

omeone had to tell Oli that anemia reduced her ability to fight disease, so the mother died. Tuberculosis attacks when the body's ability to fight disease is weakened, and children become ill and even die because their immune system is weakened. Such news probably does not reach Baluwatar. Therefore, the leader of Baluwatar says, "Everywhere they look beautiful, they look healthy and they say, 'Nepalis have more resistance.' Let's eat turmeric, let's run away from Corona. '

Heads of government in Nepal and India were not responsible. They did not listen to scientists and public health experts. They did not follow the rules of meeting, assembly, or ceremony. Even after the epidemic took such a terrible turn in India, Prime Minister Oli did not stop gathering crowds of people in Nepal. Due to which the infection spread rapidly among the people. In India, Prime Minister Modi did the same. Modi did not want to listen to the repeated requests and warnings of public health experts not to gather people including Kumbh Mela. Therefore, the current situation came in India and Nepal. Despite realizing that such a crisis had arisen in India, the Prime Minister of Nepal was holding public events and walking in violation of health care standards. All this cannot be expected from the general public alone when a person like the Prime Minister of the country becomes irresponsible. Similarly, in a country like ours, people have to run in the evening and in the morning for their livelihood. Examples can be seen in some countries, including New Zealand, where the state has been disciplined, the state has paid attention to the basic needs of the common man. Therefore, the citizens there readily accepted the request of the state. The state not only gave instructions to follow the standards of health security, but also understood the needs of the citizens and fulfilled its responsibilities. As long as the people in the state, power or government are not responsible, the people who rule them will be as irresponsible as they are. This is what happened here. The government has never been serious about public health here. If the state had met only the minimum standards for public health, the human crisis that has arisen today could have been controlled. The data that has come out here is not so much the damage. The damage is not being made public. And, the Prime Minister and the government are most responsible for this.

We also believe in turmeric and other traditional medicines. We also drink turmeric water. We also use turmeric for minor skin infections, but we do not recommend using turmeric to get rid of corona. If turmeric or traditional medicine is so popular, if the Prime Minister had asked the Department of Ayurveda of the Ministry of Health to do research, then perhaps Ayurveda doctors in Nepal would have done research. Probably brought something new. But, in the rush to give Rs 51 crore to Pashupati and install the idol of Ram-Sita in Madi, where was the time to really pay attention to the scientific research of 'traditional knowledge, Ayurveda'? However, it is clear that many government officials like Oli Ba are to blame for the poor condition of the hospitals and for the patients not getting oxygen on time. Now the Congress leaders are criticizing the 'bad management' of the 'Oli' government, but the Congress, which has been in the government for the most part after 046 years, has never taken a step to improve the management of the district hospital from Veer Hospital by raising public health issues. The sick Veer Hospital remained in 'discussion' like the politics of the Congress, like a declining deer.

He has never cared about the management of Veer Hospital. The poor Nepali people are suffering the consequences. Big leaders do not go to Veer Hospital saying that there is no good treatment and toilets are not good. He rests in a 'private hospital' in the shade of Rs 50,000 a day. And those same leaders say, "Nepal's public health needs to be improved." They will die without getting oxygen. If leaders need 'oxygen', it will come from 'seven overseas'. Therefore, the current government is busy giving the message that the Nepali people should do their own thing now

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Source : Naya Patrika

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