
The story of Machhindranath's Bhoto Jatra


The story of Bhoto Jatra


LALITPUR: According to, several snakes lived in Toudaha (Lake) in southern part of Kathmandu Valley. A few was a couple of snakes, the king of snakes. When Nagini's eye became ill. While searching for a doctor to treat Nagini's eyes, the king discovered that there was a notable Jyapu doctor in Bhaktapur.

Karkotak Nag Jyapu went to search for Vaidya. The snake asked Jyapu to hurt Nagini's eyes. The Jyapu Vaidya acknowledged Nag's request. Both arrived at Toudah. The doctor applied balm on Nagini's eyes. Her eyes mended. Nagnagini was cheerful and gave numerous awards to Jyapu Baidya.

The honor also incorporated a sparkling bhoto with an assortment of gems. Jyapu Baidya used to stroll around wearing that bhoto. Seeing such a decent Bhoto of Jyapu, the ghost became eager. At the point when Jyapu took out the bhoto and started burrowing the field, the ghost secretly stole the bhoto. Snickering, Baidya followed the ghost. He was unable to get the ghost.

Prior to that, it was customary to pull Machhindranath's chariot in Patan. As of now, when Machhindranath's chariot was pulled to Jawalakhel, individuals of the valley and ghosts also came to see the procession. Jyapu came there to see if the ghost of stealing Bhoto would also come on the procession. Without saying a word, the ghost came to see the procession wearing a sparkling bhoto. Milik would disappear when he saw that ghost. Finally Baidya got the ghost's arm from behind. He asked the ghost for his bhoto. The ghost refused. There was a major battle between the two. King Gunakamdev also came there to visit Machhindranath and see the procession.

After an incredible squabble between the two, the king's officials brought him before the king. Baidya said to the king, "Maharaj, it stole the bhoto given to me by the Karkotak snake." The ghost told the king that he had discovered Bhoto in the cornfield. Since Gunakamdev is a just and pious king, he is accepted to have requested to keep Machhindranath's priest as Bhoto Naso until a decision is sought from both.

For confirmation, Jyapu Baidya arrived at the shores of Toudah and met Karkot Nag. Bother said that he would come as a person to witness the Machhindranath procession wearing white clothes. "At the point when I come, there will be a storm. I will also look taller than others, "said Karkatak Nag. Around then, it had been three days since Machhindranath's chariot showed up at Jawalakhel. Jyapu came to Jawalakhel in time expecting to get Bhoto.

King Gunakamdev also came there. The breeze blew for some time, however the doctor couldn't recognize the tallest man in the group. The king requested to show whose bhoto it was from the four corners of Machhindranath's chariot, yet the conviction that nobody came forward to take the bhoto with witness proof still remains in Nepal.

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