
UP young lady constructs 'assault verification clothing' with inbuilt lock, camera, and GPS


UP young lady constructs 'assault verification clothing' with inbuilt lock, camera, and GPS


KATHMANDU: While the vast majority of you probably knew about self-protection apparatuses like pepper shower, have you at any point run over the term 'assault verification clothing'? Hailing from Farrukhabad area in Uttar Pradesh, Seenu Kumari has fostered a clothing which won't just forestall assault yet additionally help get the attackers.

Assault cases in a gigantically populated state like UP of India are normal and it was the report of the assault of a seven-year-old young lady which motivated BSc understudy, Seenu, to foster this clothing.

Seenu has fostered a gadget which is furnished with a camera and a GPS. A crisis calling button has likewise been introduced in the gadget according to the reports. The introduced GPS will help in alarming the cops and the family about the young lady's area, and a call can without much of a stretch be made with only a single tick. The clothing will have a blend lock which will just open with the set password.

In the vast majority of the cases, the attackers are not distinguished, and subsequently, not captured. Be that as it may, in this gadget, the camera will catch the picture of the offender, which will assist with the recognizable proof of the attacker during examinations.

Seenu says that ladies don't have to wear the 'assault evidence clothing' constantly, and can wear it just when voyaging alone.

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