
Sugar is as Dangerous as Cigarettes.


Sugar is as dangerous as cigarettes.


KATHMANDU: There are numerous aspects of health that you are aware of, read about, and use in some way. There are some aspects of health that you may not be aware of. However, it is critical to understand. Because it has a negative impact on your health. Take, for example, the consumption of sugar.

Sugar is just as harmful as smoking

Did you know Sugar is just as harmful to your health as cigarettes and alcohol? Every day we are consuming sugar in one form or another. Research from the University of California has found that high sugar intake is as harmful to health as alcohol and cigarette consumption.

Due to heart disease

Sugar affects the heart and blood vessels worse than fat. Sugar increases the risk of heart disease and heart attack. Reducing the amount of sugar in tea, coffee and fruit juices is not the only solution. Sweeteners increase bad cholesterol, narrow blood vessels, increase blood glucose and insulin, and overall lead to unnecessary obesity. It carries a high risk of heart disease and diabetes.

Pushes the mind towards addiction

If you don't smoke or drink alcohol and want to live like that for the rest of your life, stay away from too many sweet things. People who are addicted to drugs, alcohol or any other type of food are addicted to junk food, pastries, sweets or desserts that are high in sugar or sugar. There is a reason why they are addicted to sugar.

Sugar releases a neurotransmitter called dopamine, which is produced in the brain, which increases their appetite for sugar. The more sugar a drug user eats, the more dopamine is released from their brain and the ever-present eccentric mood. Remember, dopamine makes people happier.

Increases unnecessary appetite

If you have eaten raspberries, pastries or other sweets to quench your hunger in the morning or mid-evening, the sooner you plan to eat, the faster you will feel hungry. If you are thinking that you will lose calories by eating such things and running for 10 minutes, then you are wrong.

Eating sweets in various forms does not satisfy your hunger. High levels of sugar (natural sweeteners) containing honey and other fruits increase the amount of insulin and increase the hormone called ghrelin which causes hunger. Due to which there is an increase in weight and obesity.

Sugar damages the liver

Two types of sugar are obtained from food - glucose and fructose. The sweetness obtained from honey and ripe fruits is called fructose. Although every cell in the body needs glucose, excessive consumption of fructose is dangerous for the body. But fruits, honey, chocolate are rich in fructose, which flows in the blood vessels of our body.

Fructose is only organically converted by the liver and stored by the body in the form of glucose for future energy. But if there is too much fructose stored in the blood, the liver becomes fat and gradually stops working normally and suffers from various heart related diseases. Therefore, to avoid any heart related disease, do not consume too many sweets and fruits.

Different types of cancer

Too much sugar is a sign of cancer. Remember, insulin plays an important role in controlling the growth of body cells. Various studies have shown that insulin, which is produced and stored from high-sugar foods, can cause prostate, stomach and breast cancer.

Insulin levels increase

Anti-insulin is a symptom of metabolic syndrome. Metabolic syndromes include high blood pressure and high cholesterol. Therefore, eating more sugar means producing more glucose in the blood. If the amount of insulin is too high, the body's cells are at risk.

Harmful to teeth

Sugar is harmful to your teeth and is a major cause of tooth and gum disease. You may be curious about how sugar is the enemy of teeth.

Although sugar is low in calories, it absorbs nutrients from food. Therefore, if you do not brush your teeth after eating sweets, the sugar in the mouth helps bacteria to grow and grow in the mouth.

Increases obesity

As sugar has the property of absorbing large amounts of sugar, this process increases the appetite-stimulating hormone ghrelin and makes a person who eats sweets feel hungry. When people are very hungry, they eat carbohydrate rich foods and become obese.

Sugar makes you look old

If you have too much sugar in your diet, your skin will lose its radiance and become chapped. Similarly, the amount of sugar shows scars on the face and shows more than your actual age.

Risk of diabetes

Eating more sugar increases the amount of insulin in the blood and increases the risk of diabetes.  (Input with Agency)

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