KATHMANDU: Nowadays, makeup is utilized to enhance one's appearance. Girls are unable to leave the house without wearing make-up. Girls require makeup to appear attractive, and everyone appears attractive after applying makeup. By the way, makeup brands are pricey in today's world, and people do not hesitate to purchase them. Now if we talk about the beauty industry, then its business is worth some 532 billion dollars. By the way, if we talk about history, then in earlier times, girls used to make lakhs of efforts to look beautiful. Recently, TikToker Zachary Margolis had put many videos of these products in his Tiktok account 'Offbeat History', but due to the closure of Tiktok, these videos can now be seen on Instagram.
1. The portable hair dryer is said to have arrived in the 1920s, which was a good alternative to the heavy hair dryers of that time. But this device was very dangerous, there was a danger of burns, electrocution and death. But still it was used a lot.
2. People utilized the X-ray equipment to eradicate acne, eczema, and hair shortly after it was invented in earlier times. This has negative consequences, including atrophy, ulceration, and malignancy.
3. It is said that in ancient Greece, the uni-bro was considered a symbol of purity and intelligence. Due to this, women whose eyebrows were not found in the middle, they used to darken the middle part of the eyebrow with black powder.
4. It is said that in the 1800s, eyelids were transplanted. Seeing this, the experts came up with an idea and started applying the hair directly to the eyelashes through a thin needle.
5. It is said that in the 1400s, women wanted thinner lips, because of this, women did not make their lips more highlighted while getting the painting done.