
Putin and Trump talk about arms control issues in call



Putin and Trump talk about arms control issues in call
Putin and Trump talk about arms control issues in call

MOSCOW (AP) — Russian President Vladimir Putin and U.S. President Donald Trump talked about arms control and participation in battling the coronavirus during a call between the two heads Thursday, the Kremlin and White House said.

The presidents "altogether thought to be" different arms control issues "given the exceptional duty of Russia and the U.S. for keeping up worldwide harmony and security," the Kremlin said.

As indicated by the White House, Trump emphasized his expectation of keeping away from a costly three-way arms race between China, Russia, and the United States and "anticipated advancement on up and coming arms control exchanges in Vienna."

The Kremlin's readout of the call said the gatherings reaffirmed "the idealness of reciprocal interviews" on arms control issues, including the New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty.

The main remaining U.S.- Russia arms control agreement terminates in February 2021. On the off chance that it isn't broadened, the world will be without legitimate limitations on American and Russian nuclear weapons without precedent for about 50 years. Russia has offered to stretch out the arrangement for as long as five years, however Trump has repelled the offer.

During Thursday's call, he and Putin "addressed" the circumstance with Iran's nuclear program, the Kremlin said. Trump pulled the U.S. out of a 2015 nuclear agreement two years prior, and Iran has been abusing the details of the understanding to constrain the rest of the signatories to balance U.S. monetary approvals.


The two chiefs likewise discussed Russia and the United States participating in their endeavors to handle the coronavirus pandemic, as indicated by the Kremlin.


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